Black and white image of hands around a table with a document

On this page you’ll find our current committee members for 2021/22 as well as past SMIF executive board members, and the professional & academic advisory board.

Our committee members (2021/22)

Stefanos Valoumas

Investment Officer
BAcc Accountancy with honours in Marketing

Ssandro Notari

CEO and President BA PPE

Maclej Miazek

Vice President & Chief Investment Officer
BA (Hons) Ecnonmics and Finance

Ethan LaRue

Risk compliance officer

Ross Mellon

Chief Socials and Events Officer
MSc Investment Analysis

Sara Brandt

Chief Research Officer (CRO)
BA Finance

Eliott Lebel

Chief Marketing Officer, BA Finance

Maya Xuereb

ESG Officer, BA psychology

Advisory Panel

We would like to pass our thanks and appreciation to our SMIF Advisory Panel (University of Stirling Alumni & Academic Board) who took the time out of their busy schedules during these unprecedented times to advise our stock pitchers and offer their insights and guidance.

University of Stirling Alumni

Jon (JB) Beckett graduated with a BA in Business Law from the University of Stirling in 1996. He has worked in professional fund investing for over two decades and was recently an investment gatekeeper for £180bn of funds managed by Scottish Widows. He is an independent member of the Investment Advisory Committee of Royal London and a Director of the Association of Professional Investors. He is author of the book New Fund Order, and he sits on the Advisory Board, and is an Ambassador for, the Transparency Task Force (TTF).

Alan Loughray graduated with a BA in Accountancy and Business Law from the University of Stirling in 1981. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1985 with Coopers and Lybrand (now Pwc). He then worked in audit for KPMG within their Channel Islands and San Fransisco offices. For the past 20 years he has run his own business concerned with commercial property development and investment in central Scotland and the Highlands.

University of Stirling Academic Staff

Dr Kevin Campbell is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Stirling, where he has worked for over 30 years, having completed his PhD at the University of Glasgow. He is Course Director of the MSc Investment Analysis, and researches primarily in the fields of corporate finance and corporate governance.

Dr Patrick Herbst is a Lecturer in Finance at the University of Stirling with a PhD in Economics from the University of Tubingen and an MSc in Economics from the LSE. He has experience in the financial industry, having worked in equity portfolio management at Allianz Dresdner Asset Management.

Dr Isaac Tabner, CFA is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Stirling, where he has worked for over 15 years. He is Course Director of the MSc Finance, a CFA Charter holder, is ASIP Certified, has a PhD in Finance and a MSc in Investment Analysis from the University of Stirling.

Theme by the University of Stirling